Integrity | Fairness | Service

Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme

​​The programme is an opportunity to encourage individuals and businesses to come forward voluntarily and disclose any unreported or underreported information related to their financial activities outside Ghana. By participating in this programme, you can enjoy several benefits.


Who can apply?

​All taxpayers who have undisclosed sources of income can apply for the waiver of penalties.


How to Apply

​Fill out the online application form and submit it along with the required documents.

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Decision Making

Get to know our review process and what happens if your application is accepted or denied.

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Required Documentation

- Proof of undisclosed income
- Any other relevant documents



- What is the deadline for               application?
- Can I apply for waiver of               penalties for multiple years?
- How long does it take to               process the application?

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Contact Us

Ghana Revenue Authority
Starlets 91 Street Ministries, Accra
Phone: +233-030-394-1108
             (0800) 900-110
             (0800) 926-7047
             (0800) 900-7048
             (0800) 900-7049